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7 listings found in Childcare

Olga Brand
Olga Brand
 Missouri, United States  a year ago

[OFFER] Babysitting  — Will help to watch/ babysit your kids for free for several hours. Ilove kids and have experience as a nanny.

 Missouri, United States  a year ago


E. B.
E. B.
 NRW, Germany  over a year ago

[OFFER] Kinderbetreuung — Nach der Arbeit, meist ab 18 Uhr, kann ich werktags deine Kinder betreuen. An den Wochenenden habe ich oft frei und gehe mit deinen Kindern zum Spielplatz oder übe mit ihnen spielerisch je nach Interesse: singen, tanzen, selbstbestimmtes Auftreten und Vieles mehr.

 NRW, Germany  over a year ago


Mary Finnegan
Mary Finnegan
 New York, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] childcare —  I live in Leroy NY and I offer free emergency child care. Message me.

 New York, United States  over a year ago


Annie Jamrose
Annie Jamrose (38) Level 3 member
 or, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Childcare  — I'm looking for help watching my daughter here and there. She is 5. She's very sweet. And a little sassy too! It's very important to me that she is in an enriching environment with little tv, and fun stimulating good loving company.

 or, United States  over a year ago


Belle Burch
Belle Burch
 Oregon, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Childcare/babysitting for a 5 yr old girl — Asking for a friend in the Eugene area.

 Oregon, United States  over a year ago


Annie Jamrose
Annie Jamrose (38) Level 3 member
 or, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Child care — Up to 8 hours of child care 0-8 years of age. I can have a fun day planned out going to the library or doing an outdoor adventure. Please bring food and any special needs. Thursday and Saturday are the only days available I have to do this. I have a 5 year old girl and she loves to play with kids! I wont just stick your kid in front of a tv! If we do have tv it will be up to one movie that is well screened. Im really picky when it comes to what is watched. We are vegetarian and will accommodate any dietary needs.

 or, United States  over a year ago


leclef meda
leclef meda
 Hainaut, Belgium  over a year ago

[OFFER] je peux offrir qq jours de vacances à un enfant — pour soulager une maman fatiguée, c'est avec bonheur que je lui garde son enfant quelque jours après rencontre évidemment. J'aime les enfants, j'ai perdu le mien avant qu'il naisse et n'ai plus su en avoir.. ici c'est la campagne...

 Hainaut, Belgium  over a year ago


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