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10 listings found in Pets & Pet Minding

Núria  Medrano
Núria Medrano
 Catalunya , Spain  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Deixar un gos 3-4 hores als matins

 Catalunya , Spain  over a year ago


Sarah M
Sarah M
 Minnesota, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Fenced land to run my dogs — Our dog used to be able to go to the dog parks but now she is aggressive towards other dogs so she can no longer go there. She loves to run. We have a small yard but she and our other dog would love a bigger piece of land to run around in every so often. We would be with them at all times.

 Minnesota, United States  over a year ago


Becky Olson
Becky Olson
 Arizona, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Wet Dog Food — Lamb & rice wet dog food, Kirkland brand. I have 7 cans.

 Arizona, United States  over a year ago


Alex Kanazawa
Alex Kanazawa
 Kanagawa, Japan  over a year ago

[OFFER] Pet sitting, language exchange (English, Japanese or Spanish), friendship. — I love animals and my hobby is learning languages, so let me know if you need someone to look after your pet or are interested in learning any of the above languages. Also, Japan can be a very solitary place sometimes, if you need someone to talk or hang out, reach me. I also do Reiki if you are interested in spirituality.

 Kanagawa, Japan  over a year ago


Anabela Rose
Anabela Rose
 OR, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Fish/Pet Tank — A fish tank, glass tank for a small pet. I am going to be getting a few fish and do not have a tank. Can exchange my art if there is any request. :) Have a nice day

 OR, United States  over a year ago


Larry O'Brien
Larry O'Brien
 South Waikato, New Zealand  over a year ago

[OFFER] Two dog kennels — Two medium to large dog kennels in reasonable condition.

 South Waikato, New Zealand  over a year ago


Annie Jamrose
Annie Jamrose (38) Level 3 member
 or, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Pet sitting  — Up to a few days of pet sitting for a small animal up to 20 pounds. Must be provided with food,potty trained, and everything it might need including a crate if that is necessary. must be good with kids. well behaved. I have a 5 year old. she is very good with animals.

 or, United States  over a year ago


leclef meda
leclef meda
 Hainaut, Belgium  over a year ago

[REQUEST] abri pour 5poules l'hiver — style niche a chien ou poulailler, je ferai le nécessaire pour qu'aucune fouine ou rat ne puissent y entrer l'hiver

 Hainaut, Belgium  over a year ago


christine hinze
christine hinze
 TX, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] complimentary therapies for pets — Chinese medicine, reiki, chiropractic care for animals, I am not licensed to practice on humans

 TX, United States  over a year ago


Sandra Schwarz
Sandra Schwarz
 Deutschland, Germany  over a year ago

[OFFER] Hundesitting — Ich kann auf kleine bis mittelgroße Hunde aufpassen. Ich bin seit 2 1/2 Jahren Besitzerin einer Chihuahua Hündin und seit vergangenem Januar haben wir eine Yorkshire Terrier Hündin aus dem Tierheim. Ich bin zwar kein Hundeprofi aber mal für ein paar Stunden kann ich gerne aufpassen. In der Regel hätte ich täglich ab 16:00 Uhr Zeit. An manchen Tagen muss ich jedoch nachmittags nochmal ein paar Stunden arbeiten, deshalb bitte rechtzeitig melden;)

 Deutschland, Germany  over a year ago


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