És un grup de Telegram on es pot donar, intercanviar, demanar i oferir coses, serveis i coneixements entre la gent del poble...
October 15th, 2023
Very happy to announce that we now have over 3,500 members and growing fast...
May 29th, 2023
There is a problem that’s so deeply embedded in our culture that most of us scarcely even notice it – or even realise it’s a problem – and it’s this...
April 18th, 2023
3 ways to keep yourself and other members safe on Sharebay
January 2nd, 2023
Finally we've introduced this long awaited feature - friends invites!
December 21st, 2022
November 8th, 2022
The highlights of the new version are: a newsfeed, social interactivity, seamless mobile design, simplified registration and usability, delivery safe-payment system, improved transaction system, and a clean, fresh look...
June 20th, 2022
In light of popular sharing website helpfulpeeps now shutting down and further improvements recently made to Sharebay, the new 5 star rating system and the new value metric, this one i felt was an important point to write about..
October 4th, 2021
We've introduced a new five star rating system
October 3rd, 2021
No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you. We did just add a price field into our listing form, but don’t worry, we’re not selling out!
September 16th, 2021
Unfortunately, the scammers have arrived. Some tips to stay safe on our site.
August 6th, 2021
Important information for Sharebay members
April 9th, 2021
New changes coming to the site on April 1st, 2021
February 28th, 2021
Are you tired of complaining yet? Why not put that energy into building something new?
February 14th, 2021
Offer templates are a great way to get started on Sharebay if you’re not sure where to begin on your sharing journey.
January 4th, 2021
Welcome to the new improved Sharebay. As of Jan 1, 2021, Sharebay is sporting a sleaker, more minimalist look. Here’s a round-up of the latest fixes and improvements.
January 2nd, 2021
Why has such a good idea still not happened? In fact, why does it seem an even more remote possibility today than it did ten years ago?
August 7th, 2020
We're so committed to the idea of sharing as a way of life that we thought it only proper to publish a list of our competitors.
July 25th, 2020
Today on Sharebay and other similar sites, many people are making good use of the sharing philosophy, sharing things they no longer need and offering skills in their spare time. Wins all round, but is there a future for sharing that’s not just the preserve of people who can easily afford the luxury of it?
July 9th, 2020
Everyone wants to change the world how do we change it? Here's nine simple things we can all do today to manifest the world we wish to see..
June 10th, 2020