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New Five Star Review System

No 'en-us' translation exists for 'SHOW_BLOG'! [ERROR 230] blog by Colin R. Turner, October 3rd, 2021. 832

New Five Star Review System

We've introduced a five-star review system to further help inform our community on the amazing help and generosity of our members.

After debating various different formats, we decided that the five star review system was the simplest and most familiar to help you make informed choices about who you want to share with. And we made it retrospective too, so if you've made sharing transactions in the past, you can still review the person and the transaction.

To leave a review, just go to your My Reviews page and you will see all your previous transactions there. When you receive a review it will show up on your public profile.

I believe this is another positive step towards making sharing easy and safe.

Happy reviewing!

Colin R. Turner
Colin R. Turner (42) Level 3 member
4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars

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