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[REQUEST] Help with Google advertising

0 needed
Wellingtonbridge, County Wexford, Ireland
BadgeAvailable to any member

I'd like to talk to someone who knows Google advertising inside out - especially with stuff like using Target CPA and Smart Display Campaigns. I find all the documentation and online info confusing and sometimes out of date. Is there anyone who is actively using Google ads for conversion-based campaigns at the moment? Thanks (0 needed)

Requested by:

Colin R. Turner
Colin R. Turner (42) Level 3 member
4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars

I'd like to talk to someone who knows Google advertising inside out - especially with stuff like using Target CPA and Smart Display Campaigns. I find all the documentation and online info confusing and sometimes out of date. Is there anyone who is actively using Google ads for conversion-based campaigns at the moment? Thanks (0 needed)

Posted in: Technical Support over a year ago. Tags: · advertising · google · marketing · Wexford · Wexford · Technical Support . Viewed 285 times.

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