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The Tantric Meditation System of RedTara

10 offered
Burbank, California, United States
BadgeAvailable to any member

The Wednesday series of 16 weekly, live, meditation class webinars begins this week. You could register for FREE at https://www.MeditateLikeAJedi.org/classes . Do NOT be put off by the mention of donations, for they are completely optional, BUT there are three mandatory things:
ONE - be punctual (if you're not early, you're late),
TWO - be courteous to your fellow students, and
THREE - enthusiastically perform your homework every morning and every evening otherwise you simply will not benefit from attending. (10 offered)

Offered by:

Lama Gyatso
Lama Gyatso (9) Level 3 member
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars

The Wednesday series of 16 weekly, live, meditation class webinars begins this week. You could register for FREE at https://www.MeditateLikeAJedi.org/classes . Do NOT be put off by the mention of donations, for they are completely optional, BUT there are three mandatory things:
ONE - be punctual (if you're not early, you're late),
TWO - be courteous to your fellow students, and
THREE - enthusiastically perform your homework every morning and every evening otherwise you simply will not benefit from attending. (10 offered)

Posted in: Education & Knowledge over a year ago. Tags: · meditation · contemplation · centering · compassion · spirituality · buddhism · tantra · tara · burbank · california · education & knowledge . Viewed 259 times.

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