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[REQUEST] Sp404sx

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Clayville , Johannesburg , South Africa
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The Roland SP-404 Sampling Workstation is a discontinued sampler made by Roland Corporation. Released in 2005.[1] It is part of the SP family and successor to Boss Corporation’s SP-505 sampler left off. The sampler was succeeded by the SP-555 in 2008, but was later given its own upgrade as the Roland SP-404SX Linear Wave Sampler in 2009.[2] Another upgrade, the Roland SP-404A Linear Wave Sampler was released in 2017.[3] (1 needed)

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The Roland SP-404 Sampling Workstation is a discontinued sampler made by Roland Corporation. Released in 2005.[1] It is part of the SP family and successor to Boss Corporation’s SP-505 sampler left off. The sampler was succeeded by the SP-555 in 2008, but was later given its own upgrade as the Roland SP-404SX Linear Wave Sampler in 2009.[2] Another upgrade, the Roland SP-404A Linear Wave Sampler was released in 2017.[3] (1 needed)

Posted in: Music & Audio over a year ago. Tags: · "music production · music sampling · creating music" · Clayville · Johannesburg · Music & Audio . Viewed 0 times.

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