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[REQUEST] Electrician/ electrical engineer

1 needed
Reno, Nevada, United States
BadgeAvailable to any member

I am looking for person to be able to help me build out the plans & kits I have for a magnetic motor and generator that can be scaled to power virtually anything. Getting ready to just do it on my own, but welcome collaboration with experienced electricians. I plan to scale free power multiple projects, and income streams. Wanna join? (1 needed)

Requested by:

Jacob  Robie
Jacob Robie (2) Level 2 member

I am looking for person to be able to help me build out the plans & kits I have for a magnetic motor and generator that can be scaled to power virtually anything. Getting ready to just do it on my own, but welcome collaboration with experienced electricians. I plan to scale free power multiple projects, and income streams. Wanna join? (1 needed)

Posted in: Education & Knowledge over a year ago. Tags: · electrical advancement · electrician · electronics repair · electronics · electronics technician · electromagnetism · handyman · electrically inclined . Viewed 240 times.

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