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[REQUEST] Words of Wisdom

97 needed
Park City, Utah, United States
BadgeAvailable to any member

Dear reader,
Do you have any words of wisdom you'd like to share? I'm not looking for anything specific. You can share advice on any topic whatsoever. You can write something to me, you can share a video or an article with me...it doesn't matter. I just want to find more truth to embody as I trek on my journey back to Source.

John (97 needed)

Requested by:

John Rohman
John Rohman (9) Level 3 member
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars

Dear reader,
Do you have any words of wisdom you'd like to share? I'm not looking for anything specific. You can share advice on any topic whatsoever. You can write something to me, you can share a video or an article with me...it doesn't matter. I just want to find more truth to embody as I trek on my journey back to Source.

John (97 needed)

Posted in: Help & Advice over a year ago. Tags: · wisdom · advice · knowledge · peace · embodiment of the divine · Park City · Utah · Help & Advice . Viewed 530 times.

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