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Jack of all trades

1 offered
Biddeford, Maine , United States
BadgeAvailable to any member

I have a little skill in a lot of different skills. I can help with carpentry, electrical work, physical labor, some computer tech stuff, landscaping, playing music, singing, acting, and the biggest one, cooking. Let me know if you need help with anything and I’ll see if I can! 😊 (1 offered)

Offered by:

Joshua Key
Joshua Key

I have a little skill in a lot of different skills. I can help with carpentry, electrical work, physical labor, some computer tech stuff, landscaping, playing music, singing, acting, and the biggest one, cooking. Let me know if you need help with anything and I’ll see if I can! 😊 (1 offered)

Posted in: Cooking over a year ago. Tags: · · Biddeford · Maine · Cooking . Viewed 0 times.

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