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Nokomis, FL, United States | |
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Have been living a gypsy journey for over a decade. Perhaps you'd like to get a taste via my blog? www.universal-wellness.blogspot.com If you have a specific question about how you might do something similar or such, I will do my best to answer. (1 offered)
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Have been living a gypsy journey for over a decade. Perhaps you'd like to get a taste via my blog? www.universal-wellness.blogspot.com If you have a specific question about how you might do something similar or such, I will do my best to answer. (1 offered)
Posted in: Help & Advice over a year ago. Tags: · nokomis · fl · united states · help advice · travel · adventure · atlantis · lemuria · wellness · work exchange · work trade · lightworker . Viewed 0 times.
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What else may I suggest or provide
Shelter Yes I have lot's of building materials a human dog house with a lockable door or protection from the elements with screens
But the heat in Florida is staggering, a shelter with the heat would compound their efforts, and make them spend the night outside amongst fire ants instead
Hmm, I can solve this problem, but need to think a bit, can you help with ideas for shelter, a tent is something we have to buy, when a house of sorts is free to me