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Free web design and hosting for projects in the public good — My company is offering free web design and high speed eco-hosting for people and projects that are working for the common good. Just send me the details about your project or idea and I can create a professional web presence to help you along. Note: this is a limited offer but as long as you can see this listing, this offer is open.
In money world terms, this offer is probably worth about $1000 of design and consultation, but it's yours for free if you have a great project that you're trying to promote. Write me your story and let's get going.
Terms: Only one website per client; all projects considered but application doesn't guarantee acceptance; wildhost has final decision on what projects to promote; final websites must have a link to (1 offered)
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Free web design and hosting for projects in the public good — My company is offering free web design and high speed eco-hosting for people and projects that are working for the common good. Just send me the details about your project or idea and I can create a professional web presence to help you along. Note: this is a limited offer but as long as you can see this listing, this offer is open.
In money world terms, this offer is probably worth about $1000 of design and consultation, but it's yours for free if you have a great project that you're trying to promote. Write me your story and let's get going.
Terms: Only one website per client; all projects considered but application doesn't guarantee acceptance; wildhost has final decision on what projects to promote; final websites must have a link to (1 offered)
Posted in: Graphic & Web Design over a year ago. Tags: · web hosting · web design · free hosting · common good . Viewed 1030 times.
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Sounds like you're exactly the earth angel, I need for my 'little project'!
I am dreaming of a kind of all-in-one social community platform for spiritual people, intentional living communities and all human beings, that engage themselves for mother earth and GOD!
I already have a prototype, based on a regular online forum, but I want to bring this whole thing to a decent level before it's going to be rolled out. So I now have started to 'try' around with wordpress and I think, it could actually be realized.. but due to the complexity of my vision, the start is totally overwhelming for me as a beginner.
The website itself is meant to help people become aware and conscious about themselves, the world and teach and help each other - for free! The whole purpose of the website is to serve as the digital backbone of a new emerging parallel society of conscious human beings, that gives people everything they need (digitally) to connect, evolve and grow individually and collectively.
So the concept is that this platform should work a bit like a game,
- with profile and connectivity feats like a social media platform,
- but it should also have a riddles section like quora,
- a knowledgebase like a wiki,
- a forums section, where larger intentional living communities and other groups and organizations can make their decision making process, documentation and project management a lot easier,
- but it should also have a sharebay-like module, where people can exchange stuff and service for free. - And last, but certainly not least it should have a missions section, where personal development missions as well as community and collective projects can be picked up, tracked and accomplished..
And yeah .. people should be able to earn some nice titles by changing their life for the better.. making a change in the world .. and all that good stuff!!
Ultimately it's all about opening a magic gate for humanity ..for everyone to exit the sick hell of the rat race for ego and money, and for people to unite and create the world, we really need and really want for future generations. A world without money, without leaders, without prisons, but with a lot of conscious discernment and true love for life and GODs creation.
The whole concept is pretty much worked out in my head and also already written in text on the forum prototype, I have... like a text adventure game, but fully immersive with real life..
Ultimately, this platform shall become a worldwide open workshop, as all further development will "be part of the game" for the collective. And of course everything must always be free for everyone!
So.. if that sounds interesting to you.. I would really appreciate your help in setting this thing up!
my email: [email protected]
Best regards!
I believe I reached out to you on FB this spring (before I got hacked in a very interesting way) about the Global online LEAP --Love Empowerment And Prosperity-- Community I was guided to bring forth about 7 years ago. It is here to serve a an alternative to FB - similar in design but none of the issues - and offer a way for us to come together to support, uplift and empower each other; to share our gifts, skills and resources with each other; and it offers many explicit ways for us to connect and co-create our New Earth Ways of Living and Being that we have all been longing for.
Especially as we are about to head into a period of global instability and uncertainty, having a space like this will be even more important than ever before; even many of us who have been awake for a while will truly need each other's support!
I actually have managed to finally set things up enough (had to learn everything on my own) so I can reach out to others who are also ready to come together in true Unity Consciousness and I've created some opportunities for crowdfunding. As it turns out the platform I have chose to maximize features and minimize external interference has required much greater technical expertise and start up funds than I could have imagined... which is also the reason why I have not been able to afford to pay anyone to help with the set-up. I had hoped to take advantage of my large FB community during the past few months, as I had 3000 friends and 500 friend requests I was waiting to accept for when LEAP would be ready to launch and had about 100 individuals who were going to be involved in LEAP -- including tech/web help... but all that is gone.
So things have been considerably delayed... However, I'm ready to reach out to folks. I am emailing you for two reasons: (1) see if you might be up for sharing the community with your network and/or individuals who might be aligned (I am sure you have many who would resonate with this) -- and there are many ways to co-create and to get our unique expertice and services known by many more individuals (and plan on sharing this platform as well!!!); and (2) if you may know someone who could help me set up Amazon (AWS) SMTP SES service, as well as AWS Media Offloading to -- I think that is AWS S3 and clouldfront. This is really way beyond me and I still have so much to figure out myself that no one else can. So really looking for others who might have that skill. Also, anyone who could help a little with WP security (just getting some things checked out and set up).
Also, this is not for profit.... I even have a sliding fee scale so all can join. However, finances is NOT abundance I have at all which is part of why it has taken so long. I've put every penny into this and crowdfunding (or sponsors) is the only way I can pay for the rest of the services (and maybe needing to hire someone). I have set up really potent 3 months offers and a really low exchange to do so -- I did not want to go through regular funding opportunities/sponsorships so as to not be beholden to other's agendas. So, if you might be able to facilitate connecting me with others who might have this expertise and/or share this community, I would truly appreciate it. It is about finally bringing those of us who are ready Unite together and bring about the changes we truly with to see. Thanks for checking it out and helping me get this set up. We truly will need a place to come together in the next few months especailly.