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Free web design and hosting for projects in the public good — My com

1 offered
Free to borrow
Wellingtonbridge, County Wexford, Ireland
Collection only
BadgeAvailable to any member

Free web design and hosting for projects in the public good — My company is offering free web design and high speed eco-hosting for people and projects that are working for the common good. Just send me the details about your project or idea and I can create a professional web presence to help you along. Note: this is a limited offer but as long as you can see this listing, this offer is open.

In money world terms, this offer is probably worth about $1000 of design and consultation, but it's yours for free if you have a great project that you're trying to promote. Write me your story and let's get going.

Terms: Only one website per client; all projects considered but application doesn't guarantee acceptance; wildhost has final decision on what projects to promote; final websites must have a link to (1 offered)

Offered by:

Colin R. Turner
Colin R. Turner (42) Level 3 member
4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars

Free web design and hosting for projects in the public good — My company is offering free web design and high speed eco-hosting for people and projects that are working for the common good. Just send me the details about your project or idea and I can create a professional web presence to help you along. Note: this is a limited offer but as long as you can see this listing, this offer is open.

In money world terms, this offer is probably worth about $1000 of design and consultation, but it's yours for free if you have a great project that you're trying to promote. Write me your story and let's get going.

Terms: Only one website per client; all projects considered but application doesn't guarantee acceptance; wildhost has final decision on what projects to promote; final websites must have a link to (1 offered)

Posted in: Graphic & Web Design over a year ago. Tags: · web hosting · web design · free hosting · common good . Viewed 1030 times.

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