1 needed | |
Wayland, Michigan, United States | |
Available to any member |
I recently injured my leg and am unable to do my job as a Veterinary Assistant and likely will not ever be able to do my job because of the physical demands. I’m hoping to find a fully remote job. I am a hard worker and fast learner. I have clerical experience, I excel at customer service. My resume and cover letter are ready. I’m just having trouble finding legitimate opportunities. (1 needed)
Requested by:
I recently injured my leg and am unable to do my job as a Veterinary Assistant and likely will not ever be able to do my job because of the physical demands. I’m hoping to find a fully remote job. I am a hard worker and fast learner. I have clerical experience, I excel at customer service. My resume and cover letter are ready. I’m just having trouble finding legitimate opportunities. (1 needed)
Posted in: General Help over a year ago. Tags: · remote worker · wayland · michigan · united states · general help . Viewed 0 times.
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