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Santa Fe, NM, United States | |
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Available to any member |
If you have a creative project you're working on, or simply want to develop your creative skills and talents, it is likely I can help deepen or further develop your creative imagination. I will offer practices and dialogue in service to this aim. But there's one catch. Your creative project must be in service to the larger world, not merely to yourself. I cannot help those who are not seeking to provide general benefit to others, including other-than-human others.
I can offer this face-to-face to those living near me, or through text and telephone to those living far away. (1 offered)
Offered by:
If you have a creative project you're working on, or simply want to develop your creative skills and talents, it is likely I can help deepen or further develop your creative imagination. I will offer practices and dialogue in service to this aim. But there's one catch. Your creative project must be in service to the larger world, not merely to yourself. I cannot help those who are not seeking to provide general benefit to others, including other-than-human others.
I can offer this face-to-face to those living near me, or through text and telephone to those living far away. (1 offered)
Posted in: Education & Knowledge over a year ago. Tags: · · Santa Fe · NM · United States · Education & Knowledge . Viewed 0 times.
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