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Help with emails and mailing lists

20 offered
Wellingtonbridge, County Wexford, Ireland
BadgeAvailable to any member

Help with email deliverability. I've spent at least fifteen years dealing with problems of outgoing mail and I have a lot of expertise on the topic now. I recently built a whole new mailing system for Sharebay based on what I've learned and I'd be happy to share some of this knowledge with you or help you build a better working system for you website. (20 offered)

Offered by:

Colin R. Turner
Colin R. Turner (42) Level 3 member
4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars

Help with email deliverability. I've spent at least fifteen years dealing with problems of outgoing mail and I have a lot of expertise on the topic now. I recently built a whole new mailing system for Sharebay based on what I've learned and I'd be happy to share some of this knowledge with you or help you build a better working system for you website. (20 offered)

Posted in: Programming 9 months ago. Viewed 0 times.

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