20 offered | |
Wellingtonbridge, County Wexford, Ireland | |
Available to any member |
Help with email deliverability. I've spent at least fifteen years dealing with problems of outgoing mail and I have a lot of expertise on the topic now. I recently built a whole new mailing system for Sharebay based on what I've learned and I'd be happy to share some of this knowledge with you or help you build a better working system for you website. (20 offered)
Offered by:
Help with email deliverability. I've spent at least fifteen years dealing with problems of outgoing mail and I have a lot of expertise on the topic now. I recently built a whole new mailing system for Sharebay based on what I've learned and I'd be happy to share some of this knowledge with you or help you build a better working system for you website. (20 offered)
Posted in: Programming 9 months ago. Viewed 0 times.
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