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Fix up duplex to OWN for self

1 offered
McMinnville, Oregon, United States
BadgeAvailable to any member

My family is in desperate need of ground level duplex + I need my own space from my family including keeping my dog safe from their hyper dogs that misbehave alot, skills are basic would need little to some help getting started on repairs. Bottom line is I'm against contractors but my family can help some. Look on profile for my skills before we talk, place must be in yamhill county or Washington county on or near bus routes. We have no car at the moment. I make crafts to exchange, trying to sell them to shops (most are very slow to get back so they are lingering in my room). (1 offered)

Offered by:

Love Retail
Love Retail

My family is in desperate need of ground level duplex + I need my own space from my family including keeping my dog safe from their hyper dogs that misbehave alot, skills are basic would need little to some help getting started on repairs. Bottom line is I'm against contractors but my family can help some. Look on profile for my skills before we talk, place must be in yamhill county or Washington county on or near bus routes. We have no car at the moment. I make crafts to exchange, trying to sell them to shops (most are very slow to get back so they are lingering in my room). (1 offered)

Posted in: Accommodation over a year ago. Tags: · artist · duplex · housing · business · McMinnville · Oregon · United States · Accommodation . Viewed 0 times.

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