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[REQUEST] Homesteading land

1 needed
So ale lake could, Utah for more now, United States
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We are looking for a place to start a homestead project, among our different ideas we plan to raise chickens, alpaca, goats and farm hemp, microgreens and various mushrooms. We would trade a fair share of production.
We are willing to travel anywhere in the USA
Let’s start a conversation! (1 needed)

Requested by:

Clast Virescentmind
Clast Virescentmind

We are looking for a place to start a homestead project, among our different ideas we plan to raise chickens, alpaca, goats and farm hemp, microgreens and various mushrooms. We would trade a fair share of production.
We are willing to travel anywhere in the USA
Let’s start a conversation! (1 needed)

Posted in: Gardening & Agricultural over a year ago. Tags: · · Portland · Oregon · United States · Gardening & Agricultural . Viewed 272 times.

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