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[REQUEST] I‘m looking for a bed or a couch for a volunteer, a young, friendly ...

1 needed
Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany
BadgeAvailable to any member

I‘m looking for a bed or a couch for a volunteer, a young, friendly woman, who helps in the Special Olympics in Berlin from June 15. to 28.th
Can anybody help, even if only for some of the days?
Phone number (and telegram) for easy contact:
0151 55967125
(1 needed)

Requested by:

Susanna  Trackl
Susanna Trackl

I‘m looking for a bed or a couch for a volunteer, a young, friendly woman, who helps in the Special Olympics in Berlin from June 15. to 28.th
Can anybody help, even if only for some of the days?
Phone number (and telegram) for easy contact:
0151 55967125
(1 needed)

Posted in: Other over a year ago. Viewed 236 times.

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