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Independent Project Review — This is a commercial service intended o

10 offered
Free to keep
Southminster, -Select State-, United Kingdom
Collection only
BadgeAvailable to any member

Independent Project Review — This is a commercial service intended originally for large projects in the Oil & Gas industry. But it's core is in 'performance improvement' that applies to any project or business practice anywhere and in any industry. What I will do is set up a data structure for your business or project that either you can continue to use for yourself, or retain me as a consultant. On first contact I will send you a link that describes the IPR, it will take about a week and will need some dialogue to set up. (10 offered)

Offered by:

David Winter
David Winter

Independent Project Review — This is a commercial service intended originally for large projects in the Oil & Gas industry. But it's core is in 'performance improvement' that applies to any project or business practice anywhere and in any industry. What I will do is set up a data structure for your business or project that either you can continue to use for yourself, or retain me as a consultant. On first contact I will send you a link that describes the IPR, it will take about a week and will need some dialogue to set up. (10 offered)

Posted in: Help & Advice over a year ago. Tags: · performance improvement · project review · project health control · business review · small business help . Viewed 223 times.

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