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[REQUEST] Musical leader

1 needed
Stanwell Park, NSW, Australia
BadgeAvailable to any member

Musical leader to lead the musical jam ensemble at our summer time musical mud stomp. The barefoot mud stompers will mix mud to the music of the music jam and the mixed mud will be formed into bricks to build something real and function for and with and by the community. (1 needed)

Requested by:

david mitsak
david mitsak (1) Level 2 member

Musical leader to lead the musical jam ensemble at our summer time musical mud stomp. The barefoot mud stompers will mix mud to the music of the music jam and the mixed mud will be formed into bricks to build something real and function for and with and by the community. (1 needed)

Posted in: Music & Audio over a year ago. Tags: · musical jam · public performance · community art . Viewed 0 times.

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