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[REQUEST] Crew to prepare and serve some food for an extraordinary scene.

20 needed
Stanwell Park, NSW, Australia
BadgeAvailable to any member

During the summer one afternoon we will be hosting a musical mud stomp as per www.mudfunaustralia.com There will be an audience, barefoot mud stomping dancers, live acoustic music and a couple boxes of oranges. Like clockwork at the end of the performance we need a team to swarm out with freshly cut oranges and serve them to the barefoot mud stompers. (20 needed)

Requested by:

david mitsak
david mitsak (1) Level 2 member

During the summer one afternoon we will be hosting a musical mud stomp as per www.mudfunaustralia.com There will be an audience, barefoot mud stomping dancers, live acoustic music and a couple boxes of oranges. Like clockwork at the end of the performance we need a team to swarm out with freshly cut oranges and serve them to the barefoot mud stompers. (20 needed)

Posted in: General Help over a year ago. Tags: · public art · public community performance · cultural expression · creativitiy · drums · music · audience · theatrical production . Viewed 0 times.

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