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[REQUEST] Garden Helpers to learn Perpetual Food Sustainability

92 needed
EUGENE, Oregon, United States
BadgeAvailable to any member

I am looking for enthusiastic farming students to work in 1 hour increments that want to learn how to create food sustainability all year long. I am an OSU Master Gardener, at Silver Quarter Suburban Farms, in North Eugene. I need physical help in getting some simple tasks done, and at the same time can teach how we can meet all of our food needs by coordinating our efforts. (92 needed)

Requested by:

Christine Dribin
Christine Dribin (61) Level 3 member

I am looking for enthusiastic farming students to work in 1 hour increments that want to learn how to create food sustainability all year long. I am an OSU Master Gardener, at Silver Quarter Suburban Farms, in North Eugene. I need physical help in getting some simple tasks done, and at the same time can teach how we can meet all of our food needs by coordinating our efforts. (92 needed)

Posted in: Gardening & Agricultural over a year ago. Tags: · food resiliance · sustainability · osu master gardening · year round fresh food supply · garden community . Viewed 277 times.

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