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Pet sitting

50 offered
eugene, or, United States
BadgeAvailable to any member

Up to a few days of pet sitting for a small animal up to 20 pounds. Must be provided with food,potty trained, and everything it might need including a crate if that is necessary. must be good with kids. well behaved. I have a 5 year old. she is very good with animals. (50 offered)

Offered by:

Annie Jamrose
Annie Jamrose (38) Level 3 member

Up to a few days of pet sitting for a small animal up to 20 pounds. Must be provided with food,potty trained, and everything it might need including a crate if that is necessary. must be good with kids. well behaved. I have a 5 year old. she is very good with animals. (50 offered)

Posted in: Pets & Pet Minding over a year ago. Tags: · pet · pet sitting · cat · dog · hampster · bird · animal . Viewed 0 times.

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