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[REQUEST] LAND in North Carolina

1 needed
Free to keep
Angier, NC, United States
Will collect
BadgeAvailable to any member

My requests for land are varied. Each requires a group to join together to purchase the land. And Improve on the land. OR a broken down building that is ON LAND that we can fix and not disturb anyone or be disturbed by anyone.

1) land to create an ECO-Village
2) land to create a nonviolent communication, sex positive communal watering hole, den, kind of place
3) land to create a cooperative possibly off of the above ideas such as selling something we grow or selling use of our space. Selling yes until money is not needed. I would have no problem giving once the conditions are so. hopefully this is not a violation.

Most times I want to stay here in North Carolina I suppose I would have to start the first one here.
Sometimes I wish I could go to a mountain state.

I made a listing for the ECO-VIllage at Intentional Communities website. The hardest part is finding the people to work on the projects together.


Take a look. (1 needed)

Requested by:

Marcia Everett
Marcia Everett (1) Level 2 member

My requests for land are varied. Each requires a group to join together to purchase the land. And Improve on the land. OR a broken down building that is ON LAND that we can fix and not disturb anyone or be disturbed by anyone.

1) land to create an ECO-Village
2) land to create a nonviolent communication, sex positive communal watering hole, den, kind of place
3) land to create a cooperative possibly off of the above ideas such as selling something we grow or selling use of our space. Selling yes until money is not needed. I would have no problem giving once the conditions are so. hopefully this is not a violation.

Most times I want to stay here in North Carolina I suppose I would have to start the first one here.
Sometimes I wish I could go to a mountain state.

I made a listing for the ECO-VIllage at Intentional Communities website. The hardest part is finding the people to work on the projects together.


Take a look. (1 needed)

Posted in: Land & Real Estate over a year ago. Tags: · eco village · cooperative · den · sex positive · non violent communication · land · building · community room · barn · farm · abandoned strip mall · former senior rest home · north carolina . Viewed 0 times.

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