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[REQUEST] Help fixing my dehydrator

1 needed
Eugene, Oregon, United States
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It's a rectangular dehydrator with pull-out trays. It makes a loud sound when turned on (it didn’t used to be that loud) and I feel like the fan doesn't blow air as efficiently as it could... it may need to be taken apart so we can get to its insides. I don’t know barely anything about this kind of machinery. I have sewing machine oil to lube up its internal parts, but beyond that I don't know what to do for it. I also don’t know how to take it apart. I have various types and sizes of screwdrivers, pliers... but if you have any tools you think would be helpful, please being them. Thanks!! It would be so great to get it functioning properly again. I would rather fix the one I have than try to get a new one. (1 needed)

Requested by:

Belle Burch
Belle Burch

It's a rectangular dehydrator with pull-out trays. It makes a loud sound when turned on (it didn’t used to be that loud) and I feel like the fan doesn't blow air as efficiently as it could... it may need to be taken apart so we can get to its insides. I don’t know barely anything about this kind of machinery. I have sewing machine oil to lube up its internal parts, but beyond that I don't know what to do for it. I also don’t know how to take it apart. I have various types and sizes of screwdrivers, pliers... but if you have any tools you think would be helpful, please being them. Thanks!! It would be so great to get it functioning properly again. I would rather fix the one I have than try to get a new one. (1 needed)

Posted in: General Help over a year ago. Tags: · dehydrator · electrical · maintenance · handyman · fixit · diy · machine · motor · fan · expertise · parts . Viewed 0 times.

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