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Ideas to a new rollator. — Since the first rollator was not patented

1 offered
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Tostared, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
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Ideas to a new rollator. — Since the first rollator was not patented I offer this idea in the same way.
My rollator will fit the handluggage on air to be able to use on the way from inchecking to plane or on long walk on stations etc. (1 offered)

Offered by:

Pentti Kinnunen
Pentti Kinnunen

Ideas to a new rollator. — Since the first rollator was not patented I offer this idea in the same way.
My rollator will fit the handluggage on air to be able to use on the way from inchecking to plane or on long walk on stations etc. (1 offered)

Posted in: Other over a year ago. Tags: · rollator · walking help . Viewed 203 times.

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