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VBA computer programming tutoring — I will teach you to program comp

1 offered
Free to keep
Durham, NC, United States
Collection only
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VBA computer programming tutoring — I will teach you to program computers in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). It isn't a hot language, but it's very accessible. It's integrated into Microsoft Office, so you can start using your new skills immediately. (1 offered)

Offered by:

Nathan Peirce
Nathan Peirce

VBA computer programming tutoring — I will teach you to program computers in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). It isn't a hot language, but it's very accessible. It's integrated into Microsoft Office, so you can start using your new skills immediately. (1 offered)

Posted in: Education & Knowledge over a year ago. Tags: · computer programming · coding · vba · tutoring · teaching · learning . Viewed 345 times.

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