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Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India | |
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Spiritual activist ashram — I'm looking for a place and people interested in spirituality, social transformation and feminine wisdom...want to either find or help co-create an ashram-like community based on these themes, including sacred activism, solidarity economy,and integral, holistic personal and global healing.Anyone know of such a place, or have land, resources or interest in helping co-create one? (1 needed)
Requested by:
Spiritual activist ashram — I'm looking for a place and people interested in spirituality, social transformation and feminine wisdom...want to either find or help co-create an ashram-like community based on these themes, including sacred activism, solidarity economy,and integral, holistic personal and global healing.Anyone know of such a place, or have land, resources or interest in helping co-create one? (1 needed)
Posted in: Meet-Ups & Collaborations over a year ago. Tags: · spiritual community · sacred activist ashram . Viewed 208 times.
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