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Mitchell Simmons

Canton, Ga, United States

Mitchell hasn't listing anything yet.

Honor Mitchell

About Mitchell

It is absurd that we do not provide basic survival necessities to everyone. The burden of such an endeavor is minimal. Currently, society rewards inefficiency because it creates more "work" to be done. There is a belief that we must earn a living. The common complaint being "If people don't have to work, they'll just be lazy and do nothing." This is simply not true. The less we worry about survival, the more we accomplish. What would our scientists create if they didn't have to "earn a living"? How incredible would our actors and directors be if they didn't have to worry about recouping their production costs? What would YOU do if you knew you'd never have to worry about survival? There is a simple fact that many who oppose this idea do not accept. We crave a feeling of importance. We crave it more than we crave food. Money currently provides that feeling for many, and they dread to lose it. TL;DR: If all you needed to live was freely available, what would you do?

Skills: · science · nerd · crafting · handyman · tutor · dungeons and dragons

Interests: · science · nerd · crafting · handyman · tutor · dungeons and dragons

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