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Kenneth Jacobson

Vilhelmina, Vasterbottens Lan, Sweden

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Honor Kenneth

About Kenneth

It is all very simple, was it difficult, we would have found a solution long ago. What is right before our eyes, is always hardest too see. None of us has ever paid two cents for being born on this planet, and none of us can ever take two cents with us, when we leave. And leave we will.. So what are fighting about ? Everything anybody could ever need for this existence is provided for free. Nobody pays the sun to shine, the plants to grow, or the animals for letting up their lives for us. When shall we understand, that only by giving, without exemption to all of life's forms (of which we are but one) shall we be able to create complete fulfilment for all, a world of justice, fairness and equality.. Harmony on our spaceship earth is possible. if we want it. But do we ? Or do we prefer strife, competition, greed, wars for power and over "money" (the great joke) It seems we do...
Humankind suffers under the illusion of separateness. We are so conditioned when we are born into this world.

Skills: · theosophist · anarchist · pinkfloyd · tutor · languages · spirituality · peaceful warrior · alternative energy · technician

Interests: · theosophist · anarchist · pinkfloyd · tutor · languages · spirituality · peaceful warrior · alternative energy · technician

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