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david mitsak Level 2 member

Stanwell Park, NSW, Australia

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About david

Bring a vegetable, throw it in the soup pot, share a meal. Bring a good idea or two too. That's just the beginning.

Skills: · meditation · chi kung · natural building · mud building · poet · performer · community organiser

Interests: · meditation · chi kung · natural building · mud building · poet · performer · community organiser

david\'s current listings

community meal — On some Monday evenings some community minded individuals have been gathering for... — community meal — On some Monday evenings some community minded individuals have been gathering for a meal.
REQUEST: 10 tons of sand — I want sand for a community event. — 10 tons of sand — I want sand for a community event.
REQUEST: 5 tons clay-rich subsoil earth — Clean clay that will be used by children and community to build w... — 5 tons clay-rich subsoil earth — Clean clay that will be used by children and community to build with. Therefore it must not be contaminated.
REQUEST: buckets or tubs to soak clay in — we will be hosting a community musical mud stomp and need to sto... — buckets or tubs to soak clay in — we will be hosting a community musical mud stomp and need to store clay in buckets in water. Those white buckets with lids would be ideal, but any buckets are good.
family mud fun event — One afternoon in the summer we will be hosting a musical mud stomp with a b... — family mud fun event — One afternoon in the summer we will be hosting a musical mud stomp with a barefoot mud stomping show that lasts about 15-20 minutes- as per . There will be live acoustic music and drums to fuel the stomping dance and junk percussion available for others to join in. There will be a mud pit made of pure clay mud for the barefoot mud stompers to dance on to the music. There will be an audience to cheer us on and take photos. There will also be some food servers to serve s
REQUEST: Crew to prepare and serve some food for an extraordinary scene. — During the summer one afternoon ... — Crew to prepare and serve some food for an extraordinary scene. — During the summer one afternoon we will be hosting a musical mud stomp as per There will be an audience, barefoot mud stomping dancers, live acoustic music and a couple boxes of oranges. Like clockwork at the end of the performance we need a team to swarm out with freshly cut oranges and serve them to the barefoot mud stompers.
REQUEST: audience members of all ages — There will be a 15-20 minute community performance of acoustic musi... — audience members of all ages — There will be a 15-20 minute community performance of acoustic music, song and dance like nothing you have ever seen before. We need an audience to come and appreciate it and we will serve your refreshments. You are also welcome to cross the line and join in at the end.
REQUEST: barefoot mud stomp dancers of all ages — One afternoon in the summer we will host a Musical Mud St... — barefoot mud stomp dancers of all ages — One afternoon in the summer we will host a Musical Mud Stomp. There will be an audience, some water to wash off your feet, some live acoustic musicians playing for you and a team dedicated to serving you some refreshments afterwards. The mixed mud will be formed into bricks to dry in the sun and later used for and by the community to build and sculpt a function structure as per
REQUEST: choreographer — someone to help us make our barefoot mud stomping dance look coordinated and unifi... — choreographer — someone to help us make our barefoot mud stomping dance look coordinated and unified. The barefoot mud stomping dance will take place in the summer time in the afternoon. The stompers will mix the mud to live music and drums and then a swarm of food servers will serve some light refreshments. The mixed mud will be formed into bricks to dry in the sun. Later the bricks and mud will be used to build and sculpt a functional community structure for and by the community
REQUEST: Musical leader — Musical leader to lead the musical jam ensemble at our summer time musical mud st... — Musical leader — Musical leader to lead the musical jam ensemble at our summer time musical mud stomp. The barefoot mud stompers will mix mud to the music of the music jam and the mixed mud will be formed into bricks to build something real and function for and with and by the community.
REQUEST: vegetables to put in the pot — we have a community veggie soup night. Bring a vegetable. Throw it ... — vegetables to put in the pot — we have a community veggie soup night. Bring a vegetable. Throw it in the pot. Cook it up and eat together.

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