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Adam Art Ananda Level 3 member

Berlin, Berlin, Germany

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Honor Adam

About Adam

After my second burnout I finally stepped out 2014. Now I am living in my van in Algarve/Portugal and started a community, based on rainbow family consensus, UBUNTU philosophie and guidelines from Anastasia. I am writing books and I develop open source software.

Also I am giving tantra massage workshops and I am a sexological bodyworker.

Skills: · massage therapist · author · software developer · graphics designer · mechanic · ubuntu movement · tantra practitioner · freeman

Interests: · massage therapist · author · software developer · graphics designer · mechanic · ubuntu movement · tantra practitioner · freeman

Adam \'s current listings

REQUEST: Scouting for land to create a UBUNTU based community — I am looking for a plot of land to create a small community, based on the UBUNTU philosophie, with tiny houses, where we don't need money anymore and where we can grow our own food.
Open Source Software Design (all platforms) — If you have got an idea or better a need for software design for non commercial projects, then let me know. I have founded an association in Austria. I can gather the requirements, doing the interaction design and create a crowd funding project to collect the development costs. After funding I will be responsible to create the product which will be open source and therefore free for all time. For details see my website: http://www.crowdware.at
Step Out - A guideline how you can step out of this system and live a fulfilling life in abundance w — A guideline how you can step out of this system. This guideline is based on my own experience and will be enriched with true stories from people I met on my way or people who wrote me believable stories. The book covers why we should step out at all, what we can do to live a fulfilling life in freedom without anxiety. The author also tries to show how a new society may look like on the sample of the Ubuntu movement from South Afrika. "We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, and the time is now." ~ Starr MacKinnon
Camp Eden - How we have re-created our paradies — Let yourself be taken on a short trip to paradise. We can experience paradise here on earth today and do not have to wait until we are dead, as the Church wants us to believe. This short story takes place in 2039, we live on the land in Portugal and tell our grandchildren what happened then (today) to save the planet Earth. From the introduction of referendums and unconditional basic income to the abolition of industry and money, everything is there. But you can already start creating your own paradise, regardless of political decisions. We invite you to use your creative energy now.
Prana Flow Massage — I offer you a dynamic kind of tantra massage to raise your kundalini energy, here in the hills of Monchique in our community in the pure nature. Please bring massage oil, candles and a lungi. Detailed descriptions you will find here on my website: https://artananda.github.io/portugal/prana-flow-massage.html

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