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Michael Kubler Level 2 member 1

Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines

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Honor Michael

About Michael

I'm a chapter co-ordinator of the Zeitgeist Movement in South Australia and have to say that this is very well done. It's similar to the 'Aims and Principals' I wrote a while back : http://intro.zeitgeist-info.com/2010/08/18/zm-aims-and-principles

Skills: · tzm · zeitgeist movement · activism · web developer · photographer

Interests: · tzm · zeitgeist movement · activism · web developer · photographer

Michael\'s current listings

Stock footage — If you are creating content that's helping transition to a Post Scarcity Society (e.g TZM, TVP, Sharebay, or whatever) then you can use my stock footage if it'll help you. If there's enough interest then I'll work on a front end with keywords and search to make it easier to find what you might be looking for. That said most of my content is drone and time-lapse footage in Vietnam, Australia and especially the Philippines. It would be nice to be told if you do use the footage so I can help refine my content creation to what's useful. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hh569jd4d7o4ssq/AADomVloqVh26twUhb9zRTyda?dl=0

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