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3 listings found for 'fuel' in Listings

david mitsak
david mitsak (1) Level 2 member
 NSW, Australia  over a year ago

[OFFER] family mud fun event — One afternoon in the summer we will be hosting a musical mud stomp with a barefoot mud stomping show that lasts about 15-20 minutes- as per www.mudfunaustralia.com . There will be live acoustic music and drums to fuel the stomping dance and junk percussion available for others to join in. There will be a mud pit made of pure clay mud for the barefoot mud stompers to dance on to the music. There will be an audience to cheer us on and take photos. There will also be some food servers to serve s

 NSW, Australia  over a year ago


Richard Osmaston
Richard Osmaston (4) Level 3 member
 tasman, New Zealand  over a year ago

[OFFER] firewood — free firewood, cut, split and collect yourself :)

 tasman, New Zealand  over a year ago


Janice Daly
Janice Daly
 WI, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] A ride — If you need a ride somewhere , I am offering one within 60 mile radius. If you are able, just Reimburse for fuel used.

 WI, United States  over a year ago


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