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7 listings found for 'ride' in Listings

Kelly Tamburello
Kelly Tamburello (1) Level 2 member
 New Jersey, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Assistance Using Public Transportation — I am unable to drive even the short distance to Philadelphia, and I would love to find someone available during the day to help me navigate public transportation so I can broaden my horizons a bit. There is only so much I can walk to near my home, and I am too nervous to attempt to learn this on my own. I'd love to have someone come meet me, and ride with me into philly to get lunch and then see me off afterwards so I don't get lost.

 New Jersey, United States  over a year ago


Alexander Hartzell
Alexander Hartzell
 NV, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Transportation — Due to unacceptable amounts of urban sprawl, paired with a cruel lack of public transportation services, the only viable way to get anywhere in Pahrump is by car. Not everyone can afford a car, and many of the people who can simply are unfit to drive (but have no other choice). To help fix this, I can offer up to 10 rides to people in Pahrump per month: from anywhere in Pahrump, to anywhere in Pahrump. Please just let us discuss the details well in advance. I check this website no more than weekly, and cannot guarantee availability. The sooner we discuss the request before the actual ride, the more likely I will be able to do it.

 NV, United States  over a year ago


Annie Jamrose
Annie Jamrose (38) Level 3 member
 or, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Ride share  — Ride share when available

 or, United States  over a year ago


Janice Daly
Janice Daly
 WI, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] A ride — If you need a ride somewhere , I am offering one within 60 mile radius. If you are able, just Reimburse for fuel used.

 WI, United States  over a year ago


David Callow
David Callow
 Essex, United Kingdom  over a year ago

[OFFER] Cycle Training for your child — As an ex-bikeability instructor I can provide both learn to ride and preparation for Bikeability. I would insist on one or both parents being present, as I will not provide insurance. This would need to be carried out within 5 miles of Halstead, Essex or you can can bring your child with bike to me. Minor adjustments can be made to bikes, if required, but any parts required will be charged for.

 Essex, United Kingdom  over a year ago


Nawshad Suleman
Nawshad Suleman
 England, United Kingdom  6 months ago

[REQUEST] Book . Ride the tiger

 England, United Kingdom  6 months ago


Cista Arceneaux
Cista Arceneaux
 Texas, United States  8 months ago

[REQUEST] My cell phone broke, this was my 3rd replacement this year. I am trying to get a house or apartment that my daughters and I can call home, a ful-filling habit/career that speaks volumes of creativity and problem solving so I can do what I love and call it work. A healthy society and friends that support my dreams and goals without judgement and advice that screams “keep going, don’t stop!”… if anyone has a good smartphone that works on att network and/or a reliable vehicle to help me and my daughters get ahead as well as a referral for a 2 or 3 bedroom home that I could rent here in Austin.. I would appreciate every moment of it and ride my hopes and dreams and goals long after the wheels fall off. Tysm ♥️Love, a not too proud to ask for help, single mother of 3 that could surely use some good news and positive perspective

 Texas, United States  8 months ago


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