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8 listings found for 'vision' in Listings

Mardi Shakti
Mardi Shakti
 Victoria, Australia  over a year ago

[REQUEST] App Development  — Hello! I need a humanitarian to help me help the world. I have several apps that need creating, and hopefully they generate money that we can use to put towards creating real-world systems that eventually DON'T require money. Things like a library - but different. I encourage you to read my visions here; I'm the real-deal! http://mardishakti.weebly.com/vision1.html

 Victoria, Australia  over a year ago


Paul  Cheminais
Paul Cheminais
 England, United Kingdom  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Marketing — i have a vision for fully integrated health & social care services that are all inclusive of all people / opinions. There is a rough plan here - https://healingsanctuary.proboards.com/thread/57/project-plan Main page - https://healingsanctuary.proboards.com/ At my end this is an entirely non profit project. i have interest from some others, including a mental health professional. What we are now looking for is for someone experienced in marketing to try & take this vision / project further & to try & give it a more mass appeal. Thanks.

 England, United Kingdom  over a year ago


Alvaro hernandez
Alvaro hernandez
 jalisco, Mexico  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Programador de app moviles para emprendimiento social agroalimentario — Misión Acelerar el desarrollo tecnológico para cubrir las necesidades de alimentación humanas, mediante un modelo económico sostenible, un modelo de producción y distribución altamente sustentable y promoviendo el desarrollo social Visión Preservar los ecosistemas y restablecer el equilibrio ecológico mediante la creación de ciudades sustentables y Que las personas que se enfoquen en el desarrollo social tengan por lo menos garantizada una comida, fresca, saludable , conveniente y gratuita. En Mi Cosecha Necesitamos tu ayuda para hacerlo realidad

 jalisco, Mexico  over a year ago


Blaze  S. Nissi I
Blaze S. Nissi I
 Cross River, Nigeria  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Website Developer/design  — Hi Colin, what exactly do you mean by "help with web design"? Can you give me a hand in developing a website for Heaven Town Vision? I'm applying through the freeworlder site as well. Let me know how we can get started. Blaze.

 Cross River, Nigeria  over a year ago


Craig Lewis
Craig Lewis (4) Level 3 member
 NL, Canada  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Funding for Saving the Forest from Fire — We several years ago I secure the domain for Fire Suppression Drone. At the time there where no know Fire Suppresion Drones. Even today there are only a few people designing and building them. Yet today we see that that Amazon and many other areas in the world are burning up. So we need to Create, Build and put into ACTION the Fire Suppression Drone So to get our project started we are looking to raise $10K 1. $1K to build a website 2. $3-7K to build/purchase the prototype drone 3. $1K to Design, Manufacture Fire Ball Launching Device 4. $1-2K for purchasing Fire Ball for testing 5. $2-3K to fly to Amazon to test the Fire Suppression Drone?? It will take a couple of months to get a system up and running, so I hope that the majority of the fires are out by then. Yet if not, we will need the Fire Suppression Drones even more. The overall vision is a Squadron of Drones (100's) that can ATTACH a fire FAST and limit the Damages that fire creates. These drone

 NL, Canada  over a year ago


Daniel Twedt
Daniel Twedt
 CA, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] permaculture collaborators — I have had a vision of a global interconnection of permaculture projects via a network of greenway trails for most of my life. (and I'm almost 60). I have given this the name of PermaTrail.org Let me know if you want to play around on it with me...

 CA, United States  over a year ago


Josiah Haltom
Josiah Haltom (7) Level 3 member
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 TENNESSEE, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Meta-insights for revealing the meaning of life (applies to all) — We are facing a period of having to learn how to connect with each other, holding positive and negative forces of nature in our reins. This revolution will not be a political stunt - quite the contrary - the 2020's perfect vision is a revolution of consciousness. The full power of human consciousness will only be unleashed, Rav Berg (Nano) goes on to say, when every trace of selfishness and reactive nature is eradicated from our being. People will never misuse this power to receive personal material wealth and dominion over others, because this dramatic shift in consciousness must come first. I have had the wonderful opportunity to learn for 20+ years from the most brilliant of teachers, and I love to share from what I have received. "And they who are wise will shine like the brightness of the firmament."

 TENNESSEE, United States  over a year ago


Denise M  Ward
Denise M Ward
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 Vermont, United States  9 months ago

[REQUEST] People who will meet and brainstorm the start of a new village based on an experimental social system that will be a model for a new direction. It will operate in a parallel manner to this current dystopia. The blueprint has been created and now needs to be tested. Individuals are needed who can commit some consistent time to this project. We will come together and continue next steps as we go forward, like a block on top of another block, as we build a new framework that encompasses care for earth and elevating our humanness. Are you someone with vision and enthusiasm to pioneer this new world?

 Vermont, United States  9 months ago


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