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[REQUEST] Cherry tree to clone

1 needed
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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I need someone with sweet cherry tree to contact me, i am looking to graft a cherry tree so i can grow one.

Cherry tree can be propagated by stem cuttings or grafting. Stem cuttings refer to any stem that is cut to produce a new plant. (1 needed)

Requested by:

Fez Shahid
Fez Shahid

I need someone with sweet cherry tree to contact me, i am looking to graft a cherry tree so i can grow one.

Cherry tree can be propagated by stem cuttings or grafting. Stem cuttings refer to any stem that is cut to produce a new plant. (1 needed)

Posted in: Gardening & Agricultural over a year ago. Tags: · cherry tree · tree · natural . Viewed 76 times.

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