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[REQUEST] Bodywork — No training necessary because we can train you for free.

5 needed
Free to keep
North Salem, New York, United States
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BadgeAvailable to any member

Bodywork — No training necessary because we can train you for free. Requires grip strength but you can work up to it if you don't have it. Examples of people with grip strength are animal milkers, tool holders, gardeners, carpenters, rock climbers... Also is good if you have good body awareness but we can train you to have this too. You can also receive time credits through us for free. This type of bodywork is helpful to the immune system, fat metabolism, athletic performance, overall performance. (5 needed)

Requested by:

Pam H
Pam H

Bodywork — No training necessary because we can train you for free. Requires grip strength but you can work up to it if you don't have it. Examples of people with grip strength are animal milkers, tool holders, gardeners, carpenters, rock climbers... Also is good if you have good body awareness but we can train you to have this too. You can also receive time credits through us for free. This type of bodywork is helpful to the immune system, fat metabolism, athletic performance, overall performance. (5 needed)

Posted in: Sports & Fitness over a year ago. Tags: · immune · bodywork · we can train you for free · no experience necessary · grip strength is great if you have it · body awareness is great but we can train you . Viewed 270 times.

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