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Clayville , Johannesburg , South Africa

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Skills: · "organiclife · musiclover · scientific research · books · freespeech · music producer."

Interests: · "organiclife · musiclover · scientific research · books · freespeech · music producer."

BONGANI\'s current listings

REQUEST: Studio interface — Essentially your audio interface is the 'middle man' in your recording studio t... — Studio interface — Essentially your audio interface is the 'middle man' in your recording studio that performs digital to analog and analog to digital conversion. The analog signal from your microphones and instruments is converted into a digital audio stream. So you can record and edit digital audio on your compu
REQUEST: Sp404sx — The Roland SP-404 Sampling Workstation is a discontinued sampler made by Roland Corporat... — Sp404sx — The Roland SP-404 Sampling Workstation is a discontinued sampler made by Roland Corporation. Released in 2005.[1] It is part of the SP family and successor to Boss Corporation’s SP-505 sampler left off. The sampler was succeeded by the SP-555 in 2008, but was later given its own upgrade as the Roland SP-404SX Linear Wave Sampler in 2009.[2] Another upgrade, the Roland SP-404A Linear Wave Sampler was released in 2017.[3]

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